
Application and System Design Advice

Fahrenheits commitment is to engage with you, in discussing all aspects of your application’s needs and provide solutions to ensure a successful delivery of projects.

Specification Writing

Where required, Fahrenheit will undertake to provide a specification defining the best architecture, protocols and selecting the best products that will suit your application and keeping within your budget.

Control Panel Design and Manufacture

Fahrenheit design and manufacture Motor Control Panels In any type, shape, form or spec to suit your project.

Control Sensors and Devices

Fahrenheit supply sensors, valves, actuators, stats and mesuring devices, ensuring harmony in all aspects of your application.

Control System Electrical Installation

Fahrenheit will undertake wiring of field components and electrical equipments to the motor control and BMS panels if specified.

Engineering and DDC Programming

Fahrenheit will implement custom designed strategies, programs and graphic displays to suit your unique application.


Through our commissioning procedures, Fahrenheit test, tune and establish settings to ensure successful activation of your plant.


Fahrenheit will provide preventative and curative maintenance on the basis of yearly contracts.

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